So I am super excited; I received my first online position submission.
I truly believe what I am trying to do will make a difference and help a lot of kids. Yes, there are cartoons that show some jobs but not in books; some of us want a book, not always on the television, to learn something. I want kids to see the same character doing all the things they see their loved ones do or they envision themselves doing in the future.
The youth of today's generation have the world at their disposal with the benefit of the internet; they can learn and do anything, but where will they find the resource to search the possibilities through what they see, hear, and experience. My goal is to show kids that passion, interest, and skills can be their future position by teaching kids what people do for a living that they are passionate and skilled at from a young or older age. I want kids that love solving puzzles to learn the different positions that would give them that same pleasure; for kids that love to build to see all the different things that they can do in the future so that they can be creative and enjoy their lives.
Too many of us have a job that we are "stuck" in because we never were taught the different things we could do based on our passion and skills. It took me years and different jobs to realize I love doing income taxes. To me, it is like a puzzle; finding all the different ways my clients can get money back, as well as working with numbers and helping people. I have always been good at math and loved helping people; it took something happening in my life that made me do my own family's taxes to realize how much I loved it. I then took a course, got hired by a great boss, and now I go to work loving my job and feeling fulfilled. I meet so many great people on a regular basis and am passionate about kids knowing their options; that is also why I began to write and, specifically, this series. I can not complete this series without the help of great strangers sharing their stories with me.
I love where the Lord has taken me, and I can not wait to share our future with everyone, helping people find theirs.
K Correia
Sneak peek - the next might book, Alexander may handle brinks. Thank you, Freddie.